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Climate Change Induced Loss and Damage Alliance in Ghana

…Connecting the interests of 250 local communities, grassroots and community-Based Organisation, coastal community groups, farmer-based organisations, women’s associations, youth groups, community resource management associations, independent journalists/local media partners working to demand financing for climate induced loss and damage wherever it may occur

From resent research combining exploratory thematic review, long form interviews with key stakeholders and focus group discussions with highly-vulnerable communities, it is clear that even the most effective adaptation measures cannot prevent all losses and damages, which are a present-day reality for vulnerable people in climate hotspots. African countries need clear pathways of financing to address climate induced loss and damage.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (The IPCC’s 5th Assessment Report (AR5)) indicates a troubling picture of how climate impacts are already more widespread, occurring earlier and are far worse than expected. The IPCC’s 5th Assessment Report (AR5) recognizes important biophysical, institutional, financial, social, and cultural barriers to adaptation, which, particularly when compounded, can lead to soft and hard adaptation limits. Similarly, the IPCC SR1.5 report provides robust evidence with respect to natural systems, including the projected irreversible loss of up to 90% of tropical coral reefs by midcentury under 1.5 °C warming (and nearly total loss under the 2 °C scenario); many irreversible losses of biodiversity; and sea-level rise combined with increased aridity and decreased freshwater availability rendering several small atoll islands uninhabitable (IPCC 2018).

Several CSO networks and consortia are already looking at loss and damage finance and trying to answer critical questions in this regard. The SR1.5 documents proposed approaches and policy options to address residual risk and L&D. It assesses a growing body of legal literature and litigation, concluding that “litigation risks for governments and businesses are bound to increase with an improved understanding of impacts and risks as climate science evolves.

The drive for confronting loss and damage finally gained steam at the COP26 climate summit in 2021. Based on these observations, we have come to the conclusion that CSOs in Africa need to start mobilizing local support for increasing financing for loss and damage. More research and analysis is needed, but policymakers must be sure to take this invaluable information to develop concrete solutions that will make a real difference in the lives of billions. However, despite an urgent plea from climate-vulnerable countries, the proposal for a new loss and damage financing facility was rejected by developed nations. As countries prepare for COP27 in Egypt this November, the stakes could not be higher or the need more urgent. Success at COP27 hinges on whether the world will prioritize the needs of the 3.6 billion people living in climate-vulnerable countries. This year, at COP27, countries will have another chance to finally establish a financing mechanism.

In this line of thinking, the Climate Change Induced Loss and Damage Alliance is seeking to build the African narrative of this critical issue in the UN climate negotiations through proposals for COP27 to help countries go beyond talking about funding for loss and damage and instead establish the means to deliver it. This Alliance aims to mobilise and build capacity of communities affected by L&D in order to make their voice heard at the national, regional and international levels. It seeks to mobilize CSOs to develop knowledge-driven links to better understand local and national priorities and integrating climate induced loss and damage into national policies including the NDC implementation and climate reporting.

This Loss and Damage Alliance engages various stakeholders using the following means:

  1. Direct engagements with Policy makers and designated authorities

  2. Local and regional mapping of emerging evidence on residual risks and soft and hard adaptation limits

  3. Publication of policy briefs

  4. Local convening and community mobilization

  5. A series of webinars

  6. Online platforming of special demands and proposals


Our Course of Action

The Loss and Damage Alliance, where a range of actors and activists from a range of highly vulnerable communities will lay down the foundations for closing the significant “emissions gap”, scaling up and delivering climate finance to build resilience to climate impacts, finally securing finance for loss and damage and holding countries accountable on their commitments.

The Loss and Damage Alliance is governed by a horizontal structure. It is represent a strong collaboration between world-class researchers and a grassroots alliance involving coastal community groups, farmer-based organisations, women’s associations, youth groups, community resource management associations, independent investigative journalists/local media partners and selected community actors who have a common goal of addressing financing for loss and damage wherever it may occur.

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