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Water resources and technologies are often tested, deployed or managed in “silos.” In some cases, useful data and analytics are employed by diverse agencies without the knowledge that similar systems might already exist in other parts of the same sector. These cases create missed opportunities as water managers and users can gain insights and harness better intelligence through data and analytics compiled from various technological applications in the basin.


At FIDEP, a unique Partnership for Innovative Cooperation is being explored to advance technological transfer and watershed management processes, to distribute best practices through sub-catchment level forums and strengthen basin level data sharing.


Benefits from these partnerships will have actual results for sustainable agriculture intensification, environmental flow and could support the effective management of built and natural infrastructure. It will promote water and ecosystem-based solutions across ultra-critical subcatchments by advancing bioregional decision-making processes, IWM processes and agro-ecological resilience through Integrated Irrigation Technologies and data sharing.

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